Gordo 106 – The Mutated Lab Monkey Atari Lynx

Atari Lynx Gordo 106 - Box - Front (World)

Atari Lynx RetroGaming Rewind Gordo 106 - The Mutated Lab Monkey

Everything you need to know about Gordo 106 - The Mutated Lab Monkey

Atari Lynx Gordo 106 - Screenshot - Game Title (Europe)

Gordo 106: The Mutated Lab Monkey is a game written, published, and published by Atari for the Atari Lynx and released in 1991 exclusively for the North American market. It is an entertaining monkey-type platform game, and the truth is that it is quite good, although nothing out of this world.

Gordo 106 is a good Lynx game that went relatively unnoticed and remains relatively forgotten, which is a shame. I suspect Lynx was on its last legs by then (1993) and few magazines were promoting or reviewing the game en masse. The game has a creative story and involves a monkey on a mission to rescue his fellow lab test subjects from cages (or let them out through doggy doors).

Adversaries range from large humans with syringes to Elmer Fudd-style hunters at a hunting convention to fat Wall Street cats with bags of money! One of my favorites is the ape creature in stage 5-3 that goes from being mean/nasty to helpful when you flip the switch that controls its mood helmet.

Level designs include, but are not limited to, laboratories, mansions, and even fashion shows (the latter complete with printed women's shoes on poor Gordo). Like more recent titles like Alien Hominid, the game veers between being cute and morbid! The game is quite long with around 20 stages.

Gordo 106 Gameplay - The Mutated Lab Monkey

The game consists of freeing animals from cages while jumping between platforms throwing apples at strange opponents. Finding apples replenishes ammo and finding bananas replenishes health (although there are some one-hit kills in the game from fire, mechanical traps, etc.). The control is decent, but double-tap-to-run has never been the easiest setup to use in my opinion (think Battletoads). You can throw apples in 3 directions, which is cool, but you can't throw them while jumping.

Like many Lynx games, you can't continue, but you can earn free lives. The game has a high learning curve and looks harder than it actually is (if that makes sense). I suspect the high initial challenge may have prevented some players from giving the game the chance it deserved. Specifically, the dungeon can be quite a frustrating affair.

Like War World on Gamecube, you have a chance to save yourself if you fall into a pit. While it may seem nice to have a second chance, the dungeon can be frustrating, slow, and confusing. Try to avoid falling if you can! The overall game can be difficult with a lot of one-hit kills, somewhat non-linear gameplay, and parts that involve trial/error.


The game has excellent graphics (although not on the same level as Dracula the Undead or Shadow of the Beast). Like the last game (and other Lynx titles like Rygar), Gordo 106 features great attention to detail and cool parallax scrolling in each of the 7 different stage layouts:

  1. Laboratory
  2. Lobby
  3. fashion center
  4. Earl's Puppy Farm
  5. Investigation and development
  6. Penthouse
  7. Dungeon (optional)

Music and Sound

Unlike some Lynx titles, Gordo 106 has a lot of different music tracks and pretty good ones to boot. My favorite is probably the track from scenario 1-1. However, the sound effects don't seem that spectacular.

Final reflection

The game isn't perfect, but I think it's MUCH better than some of the casual reviews it's received. I admit it may be a bit of an acquired taste, but some of the best things in life are. The game has good graphics, sound, game mechanics and level designs. Gor-do or Gor-no? Play Gordo 106!!

Game technical sheet


Tenth Planet




Release Date(s)




game modes

1 Player





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