Kung Fu Heroes NES

NES Gameplay Review Kung Fu Heroes

NES Kung Fu Heroes - Box - Front (North America)

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Everything you need to know about Kung Fu Heroes

NES Kung Fu Heroes - Titulo del juego

A few months ago, I finally got the chance to play Kung Fu Heroes for the first time. And I enjoyed the game. I had a fun time playing the game, mainly because the gameplay was sweet. Now, the game may not be as fun or as good as Kung Fu, but Kung Fu is a classic. Kung Fu Heroes is not a classic game, in my opinion, but I had fun playing it. It's definitely not as bad as everyone else says it is, that's for sure.

I think I may be the only person on the face of the earth who actually likes this game, and I can't understand why that is. The game is fun to play and actually a little addictive. The graphics aren't that amazing, and the music and sound effects are amazing, but the gameplay is really solid and that's all that matters in a video game, especially an old NES game like this. The game is quite fun to play, even if it has some flaws.


There really isn't much story in the game, but what story there is is decent enough. You're basically out to save the world or something. Hell, I can't really remember the story of the game, and I bet it would have turned out to be the same old concept, just like every other damn Kung Fu game on the NES at the time. I wish I could remember the story of this game, but I can't, so I'll move on to the next section.

Kung Fu Heroes Gameplay

El juego es definitivamente divertido, especialmente una vez que te das cuenta de que es muy diferente de otros juegos de kung fu. Proporcionó una sensación de innovación que los otros definitivamente no tenían. Los otros juegos de kung fu lanzados en ese momento eran básicamente «ábrete camino a través de un escenario de desplazamiento horizontal mientras golpeas a los enemigos en el camino». Bueno, este juego te hizo subir y bajar por las etapas, eliminando enemigos en el camino. Definitivamente fue un concepto mucho mejor que realmente resultó bien.

The control in this game was pretty solid as it was pretty easy to perform your basic moves in this game. Basically, you were able to perform a few types of basic moves in the game: punch, kick, and kick. Punching and kicking was easy enough, all you had to do was press the corresponding button and the move was yours. The flip kick was pretty easy to pull off, plus all you had to do was press B (or A, whichever button it was) and up to do the flip kick. Like I said, there wasn't much to do, but what needed to be done was pretty easy to accomplish, thanks to the game's solid controls.

Kung Fu Heroes is a fun game to play, if you have the patience to go through many stages, basically punching and kicking your enemies. The real point of the game really isn't that hard to understand: you basically get only one screen per stage, and enemies attack you. You have to resist attacks while killing enemies. After a while, you move on to the next stage. I liked how you can use the blocks to kill enemies and how you had to use the blocks to kill certain enemies.

If it sounds fun, it's because it is fun! I really enjoyed playing this game, despite its flaws. And yes, the game had flaws, which I'll talk about now. The game's biggest flaw is the fact that there isn't much variety when it comes to stages. Sure, the biggest difference between the stages is the fact that the blocks are scattered differently in each stage, but that's the only difference. The stages basically consist of punches and kicks. It's fun, but the game could have used a boost in stage variety and actual gameplay.


The graphics really weren't that bad, but they weren't great either. Firstly, the background designs were decent enough to see where I can see the enemies on the screen. In other words, the backgrounds weren't really distracting. I liked the variety of background designs in the game, but there wasn't amazing variety or anything. Instead, we were mainly treated to things like waterfalls, grass, etc. in the funds. This isn't necessarily a bad thing, as the backgrounds definitely looked pretty good, regardless of how varied they were.

Secondly, the enemy designs were pretty good, but the key point is that they look really fun. My friend and I like to make jokes about how some of the enemies look like Mr. Potato Head. It was definitely cool to describe them, as I could definitely think of a cool nickname for almost any enemy in the game. That's not to say that the enemy designs in the game are horrible or not that good, because they're actually pretty good, and the added element of humor makes them much better, in my opinion. Overall, the enemy designs are fun and the graphics are pretty good.

Music and Sound

El punto más bajo del juego, en mi opinión, es la música y los efectos de sonido que aparecen en el juego. Kung Fu Heroes realmente tocó fondo con la música y los efectos de sonido del juego. En primer lugar, la música. Que tragedia. Es muy molesto y simplemente no parece que pertenezca a este tipo de juego. Realmente es una lástima, porque el resto del juego era bastante bueno, y yo quería escuchar música decente, pero en lugar de eso me «trataron» con una especie de música repugnante que esperaba escuchar en un juego como Hidruro o algo así. Estaba terriblemente decepcionado con la música en este juego.

En segundo lugar, los efectos de sonido. O debo decir, »¿Qué efectos de sonido?». Simplemente no podía soportar soportar los pocos efectos de sonido que aparecían en el juego. Sí, en realidad había un poco de efectos de sonido, pero no es como si ninguno de ellos me gustara particularmente. El juego definitivamente podría haber usado un impulso en el departamento de efectos de sonido. En mi opinión, Kung Fu Heroes necesitaba mejor música y efectos de sonido reales. En general, la música terrible combinada con los efectos de sonido inexistentes conduce a una puntuación terrible en esta categoría.

Final reflection

Overall, the game is really fun to play. I think I may be the only one who really likes this game, and I really don't know why that is. I know why I like this game, of course, but I don't see why other people don't like this game like I do. After all, it has all the necessary elements: fun gameplay, solid control, decent graphics. The music is horrible, but that could be combated by muting the game. The game is solid and quite fun to play, despite its flaws.

Game technical sheet


Micro Academy


Culture Brain


Release Date(s)




game modes

2 Players






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