Silent Hill PlayStation 1

PlayStation 1 Gameplay Review Silent Hill

Playstation 1 Silent Hill - Box - Front (Europe)

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Everything you need to know about Silent Hill

Silent Hill is a dwindling resort town that thrives on the tourism industry. Harry and Cheryl plan to vacation there in the summer, when on the outskirts of town, Harry crashes his Jeep after nearly hitting what appears to be a young woman crossing the street. When he wakes up, Cheryl is gone, the summer atmosphere somehow replaced by fog and snow. Following Cheryl, he quickly finds himself exposed to the horrific dark side of Silent Hill, where normal environments are replaced by bloody, rusty, gory counterparts, where crucified bodies decorate the walls and the streets are mere chain-link fences placed over bottomless pits. . It's a hell he'll be forced to go through many times in his search for Cheryl, along with the terrible plans of an evil cult and the resurrection of a demon angel.

The survival horror genre is relatively new compared to most others. For a long time, the genre was defined by the one game series that was, and still is, the most popular: Resident Evil. But in 1999, Konami released, to little fanfare, a survival horror game of its own. Titled Silent Hill, the game features protagonist John Q. Public, a 32-year-old novelist named Harry Mason. As Harry, you must search the city of Silent Hill for your missing daughter Cheryl… among other things. Unlike Resident Evil, Silent Hill is a true horror to behold, brimming with creativity, visceral disgust and surreal images that will stay with you long after you turn off the game.

Silent Hill Gameplay

Resident Evil veterans will notice some differences and many similarities. Harry moves like any RE character, in terms of turning and firing his weapons. Shooting? Well, not all your weapons will. You control three different weapons in the game, the standard pistol, the shotgun, and the hunting rifle. You'll also make use of plenty of melee weapons, including a kitchen knife, a steel pipe, and the fun emergency hammer. Obviously, weapons are best used on ranged enemies, however, ammo for them is scarce. One cool feature that the pistol and shotgun allow is the ability to aim and shoot while walking. Backing up while shooting is a good way to avoid getting hit. Just be careful of what may be behind you…

A good feature of this game is also the most useful: the radio. At the beginning of the game, you will pick up this very useful device that will help you gauge the proximity of enemies to you, through white noise and static. This tool is your best friend in the game, and although you have the option to turn it off, you must have balls of steel to do so.

The other useful item he uses is the pocket flashlight. Many places in Silent Hill are shrouded in complete darkness, and the flashlight is the only way you'll be able to see in it. You can also turn it on and off at will, although there is a reason for doing so because of the light: it attracts monsters like a magnet. Turning off the light makes it possible to sneak past an enemy undetected... just make sure you don't brush against them as you pass, lest you be alerted anyway.

And thankfully, unlike Resident Evil, you have unlimited inventory capacity and can save anywhere you find a notebook, without having to collect items to do so.


This is the lowest point of the game. Unfortunately, the game was simply too ambitious for the old PlayStation, and it shows. The frame rate is quite slow and the graphics are pixelated. However, there are a lot of details and you have an entire city to see. Silent Hill 2 for PS2 and XBox shows what the programmers were definitely looking for, a game of this size with beautiful graphics and a smooth frame rate.

Objects are detailed quite well, although they tend to be blocky as the game pushes the PlayStation's polygonal power to the limit. The enemy designs are nice, you have the pterodactyls and skinned dogs that look cool, and then you have the evil nurses and doctors from Alchemilla Hospital that look better, and then you have the scariest monster in any game, the demon children. These monsters are little children with stubby legs and evil smiles on their faces, they cry and laugh when they see you... and they brandish knives. They also like to use group tactics, as do many monsters in this game. However, it's not the monsters that inspire the true visual effect of Silent Hill. It's the environments, especially when the dark Silent Hill takes over. Snow changes to rain, any map you have is erased.

The in-game FMV is also very well done, definitely the best of its time, and it's even more impressive when you consider that it was all done by one person!

Music and Sound

The sounds in this game drive you more than you might realize the first time, precisely because of how much of a part of the overall experience they are. All the sounds are very well done, but they never get in the way. You never know when a spooky or surprising ambient sound is waiting in a room, and those of you taking blood pressure medication might consider taking an extra dose before entering some of the darker areas of this game.

The sounds of the protagonist and the monsters are also all realistic and atmospheric, and the radio is the icing on the cake. Harry's radio, which emits white noise when a monster is nearby, is probably the most important element in creating the immediate fear factor. You _know_ there's a monster when you get close to it, whether the camera wants to show you or not, and your heart starts pounding in anticipation of the fight-or-flight moment. (Turquoise Babies prove to be the ultimate anticlimax in this system and left me shaking throughout the entire game.) us, so you'll have to work a little harder to have fun.

El problema aquí no son los talentos de voz peores de lo habitual, sino la decisión de los diseñadores de hacer que las voces se detengan a mitad de la oración para permitir que los subtítulos se pongan al día. Este es un defecto pequeño pero perdonable en un paisaje sonoro impecable, y está más que compensado por la música del juego. No alcanza el mismo tipo de «jaja» que nos dio RE, así que tendrás que esforzarte un poco más para divertirte. El problema aquí no son los talentos de voz peores de lo habitual, sino la decisión de los diseñadores de hacer que las voces se detengan a mitad de la oración para permitir que los subtítulos se pongan al día.

Este es un defecto pequeño pero perdonable en un paisaje sonoro impecable, y está más que compensado por la música del juego. No alcanza el mismo tipo de «jaja» que nos dio RE, así que tendrás que esforzarte un poco más para divertirte. El problema aquí no son los talentos de voz peores de lo habitual, sino la decisión de los diseñadores de hacer que las voces se detengan a mitad de la oración para permitir que los subtítulos se pongan al día. Este es un defecto pequeño pero perdonable en un paisaje sonoro impecable, y está más que compensado por la música del juego.

No se puede decir lo suficiente para elogiar la música de este juego. Es un factor tan bien incorporado y tan grande que contribuye al miedo que muchos ni siquiera lo notan, pero está ahí. De hecho, una escena incluso se basa completamente en la música (observe la segunda escena de la alcantarilla). No creo que pueda describir esta banda sonora con palabras. Así como Konami sabía cómo era el miedo, también parecen saber cómo suena. Gran parte de esto es solo «ambiente espeluznante». Pero no se equivoque, esmusical, solo de una manera realmente extraña.

La música está «en capas» para que diferentes sonidos puedan aparecer y desaparecer, siempre apropiados para lo que complementan, pero manteniendo el mismo ritmo. Aquí vemos otro intensificador del suspenso: la música se vuelve más fuerte y aterradora justo cuando no hay nada que temer en una habitación. (Esto también puede ser para contrarrestar el hecho de que ya sabe que no hay nada allí debido a su radio, o tal vez para asegurarse de que puede escuchar los sonidos de los monstruos cuando están allí, ¿otro caso de necesidad que implica una invención?) Los desarrolladores también Sabía cuándo el silencio era oro y lo contrastaba con el tipo de cosas rápidas y de escenas de persecución. Esto realmente puede hacer que tu pulso se acelere y mantenerte alerta.

Pistas como el «ataque de enfermera» impulsado por la percusión simplemente no pueden ser igualados por nada en RE, y creo que da el doble de miedo que lo que podría producir una orquesta. Cuando el juego finalmente se rinde y toca música «real» (principalmente en las salas de cine de apertura y finalización), escuchamos melodías increíblemente bien producidas y de alta calidad que se inclinan hacia un poco de rock de guitarra acústica, que encaja bien con la sensación de antaño del juego. tema cinematográfico, y completo con el estallido de los registros. Permítanme terminar con esto: la música de este juego hace un buen trabajo complementando el juego como lo ha hecho cualquiera.

Assuming this is the purpose, I'll call it perfect. Stand-alone, and maybe not what you'd play in your car or dance to, but it serves its purpose without a problem. high-quality tunes that lean towards a bit of acoustic guitar rock, which fit well with the old-timey feel of the cinematic theme and are rounded out by the pop of the records. Let me finish with this: the music in this game does as good a job of complementing the game as any has done. Assuming this is the purpose, I'll call it perfect.

Stand-alone, and maybe not what you'd play in your car or dance to, but it serves its purpose without a problem. high-quality tunes that lean towards a bit of acoustic guitar rock, which fit well with the old-timey feel of the cinematic theme and are rounded out by the pop of the records. Let me finish with this: the music in this game does as good a job of complementing the game as any has done. Assuming this is the purpose, I'll call it perfect. Stand-alone, and maybe not what you'd play in your car or dance to, but it serves its purpose without a problem.

Final reflection

This game, in my opinion, is better than any other in its genre. If it doesn't scare you outright, it will disturb you, and if you like games of this type, you will enjoy every minute of it. Sometimes some of the puzzles and tasks seem strange, but in the crazy town of Silent Hill, everything is done for a reason. The story requires a bit of understanding, but it is definitely one of the best in the genre. Overall, this game is a true classic and one of the best PlayStation games.

Game technical sheet


Team Silent




Release Date(s)



Action, Horror

game modes

1 Player





