Tricks Jurassic Park Rampage Edition Sega Mega Drive

These are the tricks tested and that work 100%

Cheats 1: Complete Rocket Ammo

In the Aviarary level, as Grant, get the rocket launcher, then go to Pterdacal's nest and return to the bridge that has an object that looks like a cowboy hat. Before you get the hat-shaped item, select the rocket launcher. It will give you full ammo for the rocket launcher. This will work for any weapon except tranquilizer darts because you always have full ammo for that.

Cheats 1: 9 lives

In the aviary, with the Raptor, reach the top of the level. Reach the ptranadon nest and go down until you reach multiple health, then return to the nest. Move to the right of the nest until you reach the tree branch that moves downward. Jump three times while you are directly below him. Move left, kill the army guy and go as far as you can. Jump and you will be rewarded with a life. Repeat until you have enough lives to finish the game. Warning, your game will be ruined if you have ten lives.

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