Cheats Mega Man 2 NES Nintendo

These are the tricks tested and that work 100%

Tricks 1: Easter Egg

If you hold down the buttons A + B When choosing a boss from the selection menu, the stars on the boss splash screen will be replaced by birds.

Cheats 2: Mega Man 2 NES Bosses Guide

Below we will see the ideal order to defeat the eight bosses of the game and what weapons to use against them.

Bossweapon to use
 metal-manBeing the first boss, defeat him with the normal weapon, we will meet him again in Dr. Willy's fortress, this time defeat him with his own weapon (Metal Blade).
 Bubble ManUse Metal Man's weapon (Metal Blade).
 Wood ManUse Metal Man's weapon (Metal Blade) again, later in Willy's fortress use Heat Man's weapon (Atomic Fire).
 air-manDefeat him with Wood Man's weapon (Leaf Shield).
 crash-manDefeat him using Air Man's weapon.(Air Shooter).
 flash-manUse Metal Man's weapon (Metal Blade) or Crash Man's weapon (Crash Bomb) at the correct distance.
 quick manDefeat him using Flash Man's weapon (Time Stooper) until he has half health left, then switch to the normal weapon (Mega Buster).
 heat manUse Bubble Man's weapon (Bubble Lead).

Cheats 3: Dr. Wily's Fortress

Dragon: Defeat him using the normal weapon (Mega Buster).

wall blocks: Use Bubble Man's weapon to defeat him (Bubble Lead).

Gutsman Tank: Defeat him with Quick Man's weapon.

headlights: Defeat him with Crash Man's weapon (Crash Bomb).

Dr Wily 1: Use Heat Man or Metal Man's weapon.

Dr Wily 2: Use Crash Man's weapon (Crash Bomb), if it runs out, continue with Metal Man's weapon (Metal Blade).

Alien: Defeat him with Bubble Man's weapon (Bubble Lead).

Cheats 4: Passwords Mega Man 2 NES

air man defeatedA1, B5, C3, C4, D5, E1, E2, E3, E4
Airman with 4 E-TanksA5, B2, D2, B1, B3, E4, E5, D3, C4
Bubble Man defeatedA5, B2, B3, B4, C3, C4, D4, D5, E4
Bubble Man with 4 E-TanksA5, E1, D5, B1, B3, E4, E5, D3, C4
Crash Man defeatedA2, C1, C4, C5, D1, E1, E2, E4, E5
Crash Man with 4 E-TanksA5, E1, D2, D4, B3, E4, E5, D3, C4
Dr Wily with 3 E-TanksA3, E5, D3, D2, C3, B4, B2, C1, D5
Flash Man defeatedA2, C2, C5, D1, D2, D3, D4, E1, E2
Flash Man with 4 E-TanksA5, E1, D2, B1, C5, E4, E5, D3, C4
Heat Man defeatedA5, B2, B3, B4, C1, C3, C4, D4, D5
Heat Man with 4 E-TanksA5, E1, D2, B1, B3, C1, E5, D3, C4
Metal Man defeatedA2, B1, C2, C5, D1, D2, D4, E1, E4
Metal Man with 4 E-TanksA5, E1, D2, B1, B3, E4, B4, D3, C4
Quick Man with 4 E-TanksA5, E1, D2, B1, B3, E4, E5, C3, C4
Woodman defeatedA1, C3, C4, D2, D3, D5, E1, E2, E4
Wood Man with 4 E-TanksA5, E1, D2, B1, B3, E4, E5, D3, E2
Castle Dr. Wily (all weapons and E-Tanks)A5, B2, B4, C1, C3, C5, D4, D5, E2
Go straight to Dr. WilyA1, B2, B4, C1, C5, D1, D3, E3, E5
Air Man, Crash Man and Flash Man defeatedA2 C1 C2 C4 C5 D1 E1 E2 E4
Air Man, Bubble Man, Crash Man and Flash Man defeatedA5, B2, D5, D4, C5, E4, E5, D3, C4
Air Man, Bubble Man, Crash Man, Flash Man, and Heat Man defeatedA5, B2, D5, D4, C5, C1, E5, D3, C4
Air Man, Bubble Man, Crash Man, Flash Man, Heat Man and Metal Man defeatedA5, B2, D5, D4, C5, C1, B4, D3, C4
Air Man, Bubble Man, Crash Man, Flash Man, Heat Man, Metal Man, and Quick Man defeatedA5, B2, D5, D4, C5, C1, B4, C3, C4
Air Man, Crash Man, Flash Man and Heat Man, Metal Man, Quick Man and Wood Man defeatedA5, B2, D2, D4, C5, C1, B4, C3, E2

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